Parfrey's Glen by Michael Knapstein

The London-based Worldwide Photography Gala Awards selected this image as the First Place winner in the Rural Landscape category of their 3rd Annual B&W Photographer of the Year international competition in June, 2013.
Lucie Foundation's International Photography Awards -- part of Fine-Art Landscape award-winning series. September, 2012.
Black and White - Selected for a juried exhibition at the Linus Gallery in Long Beach, California and received "Curator's Award for Best Artist." December, 2011.
Art of Photography Show 2011 -- Selected as one of 109 winners from more than 15,000 entries from 74 countries. Also named a cash prize "special award winner" and Honorable Mention by juror Anne Lyden from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. The photo was one of only 18 images displayed on the competitions website. It was also exhibited at the Lyceum Theatre Gallery in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego, California. August to October, 2011.
Photographer's Forum Magazine 31st Annual Photography Contest - Honorable Mention winner and also included in "Best of Photography 2011" hardcover coffee table book and online gallery. Selected from among more than 14,000 entries from 92 countries. October, 2011.
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) -- Named a "special selection" by international jurors and included in exhibit at Espace Dupon, Paris, France. June, 2011.
The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards (WPGA) - Selected as finalist by juror Julio Hardy for the Urban and Country Landscape Contest from more than 5,200 entries from 40 countries. October, 2010.
Unsettled -- Selected by juror David Wells (executive director of Edenfred) for an exhibition at Sundance Cinema (Madison, WI). September - November, 2010.
Branch, Leaf, Blossom - Selected by juror William Guion (New Orleans, LA) for exhibition at The Steinhauer Trust Gallery at the UW Arboretum (Madison, WI). January, 2011.
Lucie Foundation's International Photography Awards -- part of Fine-Art Landscape award-winning series. September, 2012.
Black and White - Selected for a juried exhibition at the Linus Gallery in Long Beach, California and received "Curator's Award for Best Artist." December, 2011.
Art of Photography Show 2011 -- Selected as one of 109 winners from more than 15,000 entries from 74 countries. Also named a cash prize "special award winner" and Honorable Mention by juror Anne Lyden from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. The photo was one of only 18 images displayed on the competitions website. It was also exhibited at the Lyceum Theatre Gallery in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego, California. August to October, 2011.
Photographer's Forum Magazine 31st Annual Photography Contest - Honorable Mention winner and also included in "Best of Photography 2011" hardcover coffee table book and online gallery. Selected from among more than 14,000 entries from 92 countries. October, 2011.
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) -- Named a "special selection" by international jurors and included in exhibit at Espace Dupon, Paris, France. June, 2011.
The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards (WPGA) - Selected as finalist by juror Julio Hardy for the Urban and Country Landscape Contest from more than 5,200 entries from 40 countries. October, 2010.
Unsettled -- Selected by juror David Wells (executive director of Edenfred) for an exhibition at Sundance Cinema (Madison, WI). September - November, 2010.
Branch, Leaf, Blossom - Selected by juror William Guion (New Orleans, LA) for exhibition at The Steinhauer Trust Gallery at the UW Arboretum (Madison, WI). January, 2011.
Michael Knapstein 18 Aug 2010